<em>Annual precipitation and average temperature
Weather is referred as the temperature and precipitation recorded daily but climate is the <em>average temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind and humidity recorded annually</em>.
Climate is also meant by the average weather of a place. The elements that are commonly found in <em>description of the climate is annual precipitation and average temperature of a place or region</em>.
Precipitation is defined as product obtained by the <em>condensation of the water vapour present in atmosphere</em> and which falls under the <em>action of gravity. </em>
Answer:Chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, Oxygen
<span>The best
medicine for the constriction of the vessels rod from brain is caffeine.
Caffeine can be found in various foods and drinks such as coffee,
cocoa, cappuccino, frappuccino, soft/energy drinks, chocolate/energy
bars, cough syrup, and other medications.
Answer: Caffeine</span>
Plasma caries minerals, vitamins, sugars, and other nutrients.
Polytene chromosomes may be defined as the giant chromosomes that contain alternate dark and light bands when view under the microscope. These chromosomes are found in the salivary gland of Drosophila.
These glands are functionally highly active and contain thousand of DNA strands. These chromosomes are aligned parallel with each other as the replication is normal but the cells are unable to separate and fails to undergo the process of cytokinesis.