I'll assume the ODE is

Solve the homogeneous ODE,

The characteristic equation

has roots at
. Then the characteristic solution is

For nonhomogeneous ODE (1),

consider the ansatz particular solution

Substituting this into (1) gives

For the nonhomogeneous ODE (2),

take the ansatz

Substitute (2) into the ODE to get

Lastly, for the nonhomogeneous ODE (3)

take the ansatz

and solve for

Then the general solution to the ODE is

I think it's 3,6.....................
It will take 5 full rotations for Elena's car to travel ten yards
explanation: 10 yards=30 feet, and there are 12 inches in one foot. multiply 30 by 12. once you do that, you get 360. next, divide 360 by the 72 inches in each full rotation. 360/72=5. so the answer is 5 full rotations
The answer is 12 percent change