The act of strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and torso is <u>core strengthening.
The core is the central part of the body comprised of about 35 (major and minor) muscle groups which connect to the pelvis, spine and hip area. These can be broadly grouped as the abdominals, back extensors, hip, and lateral trunk muscle groups.
The core area is the centre of gravity and stability for all bodily movements.
Strength of core muscles is very important especially to athletes and sports persons. Weakness of core muscles leads to general body weakness and fatigue, muscle injuries like sprains, less endurance and power, back pain, and poor posture.
Core strengthening exercises are done to train the core muscles and strengthen them and work in harmony for better body balance, stability, and movement. Core strengthening exercises include crunches, plank, L-sit, sit-ups, push-ups etc
Um no the higher is better endurance and preformability... if that makes sense
tiny bit of whiskey , lemon and honey is home made remedy for coughing and throat treat nose with saline water for stuffy nose, make sure they get rest if its effecting their sinuses , temporary relieve is a ice/pack/hot/cold pack helps alot ,if you have medication use it , if the cold is in its first stages ,it is easier to combat, but even then it might take time if becomes more serious /complicated contact a medical professional
Knowing oneself and what one wants
B. Parkinson's Disease
Early symptoms include muscle rigidity, tremors, and a slowing of voluntary movements. Later, the patient shows a mask-like facial expression, shuffling gait, or inability to ambulate. Treatment: Drugs that increase the amount of dopamine in the brain or drugs that inhibit the action of acetylcholine in the brain.