Douglass regarded the Civil War as the fight to end slavery, but like many free blacks he urged President Lincoln to emancipate the slaves as a means of insuring that slavery would never again exist in the United States. ... Through a merger in 1851, Douglass created a new newspaper entitled Frederick Douglass' Paper.
The Non-cooperation movement (1920-1922) started after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, by the Congress under Gandhi's guidance. The purpose of this movement was to protest in opposition to the repressive policies of the British and to achieve self-government. The Non-cooperation movement was successful and was only in its final phases when the Chauri Chaura episode happened, where 22 policemen were killed after peasants attacked and burnt the police station. This event disgusted Gandhi as he was against violence with no exceptions.
The two groups into which the Congress divided after the Non-cooperation movement were the <em>pro-changers </em>and the <em>no-changers</em>.
The <em>pro-changers</em> group wanted to terminate the prohibition of elections to Legislative Councils. They felt that the conformation of the system was only possible by competing elections and gaining access to the legislature. It had leaders like Motial Nehru, Vithalbhai Patel and C R Das.
The <em>no-changers</em> group initiated a new party with the same Swaraj Party, in order to work as a group inside the Congress. They entered the legislature through elections and made it inconvenient and hard for the British to get their policies passed. Its leaders were Rajendra Prasad, C Rajagopalachari, and Vallabhbhai Patel.
Answer: Because he came from a less powerful clan
Explanation:Several explanations were given for the Quraysh's resentment of the message of Muhammad, the most agreed being that the Quraysh also did not recognize Muhammad as a prophet as he came from a clan less influential than that of his opponents.
The correct answer is C. The closing of the western frontier.
In his 1893 published paper, The Significance of the Frontier in American History, Turner stated that while it was technically true that the frontier was closed, it was the frontier life that shaped the success of the United States. His idea, which was summarized in his frontier thesis, traced the development of the United States using the settlement of the West as a measure. He argued that early settlers were essentially Europeans; they had European values and European character, but because of the frontier experience, they had to adapt, resulting in their placing a greater value on things like ingenuity, democracy and individualism. Furthermore, it was these experiences of living out in the frontier that led to settlers becoming distrustful of authority, less artistic, and more violent.
Only the United States and Japan came out of the war in better financial shape than before.