La probabilidad se refiere a la mayor o menor posibilidad de que ocurra un suceso. Su noción viene de la necesidad de medir la certeza o duda de que un suceso dado ocurra o no. Esta establece una relación entre el número de sucesos favorables y el número total de sucesos posibles.
Answer to the following question is as follows;
Planning ahead of schedule might assist we avoid being scheduled in the upcoming future. If we plan ahead of schedule, we can be confident that we will be able to complete whatever tasks are on our to-do list in our busy work schedule. We can make use of calendars and organizers. It is really beneficial to write everything down.
Behavior is the only health factor you can control
British English: side /saɪd/ NOUN. right or left part The side of something is a place to the left or right of it. On the left side of the door there's a door bell.