To keep clean water and save wild life
type of pollution - littering
Cuase: excess materials not being disposed correctly.
Effect: animals die the water is infect and items could damage filters-dirty water and dead animals.
i'm are we supposed to help you without an actual question present
**if you tell me what your question is i you have my word and i'll go back and provide an actual answer**
A wouldn't help, it just bottles up their feelings, even more, hurting them in the end worse. Medication can't always be the answer, and you can help with everyday errands, and refer them to a hospice depending on how much this grief is deteriorating their mental health. Based off of where they are mentally, all of these would be a good idea, except A. Help them talk about their stresses but only if they are comfortable with it.
I don't know if this is for homework, or for personal reasons. This answer only really helps with personal reasons.
The best possible way to verify claims a manufactures makes about a supplement's safety and effectiveness would be to go to the manufactures website and look at the reviews, research the studies behind their product and ask around. Since supplements are usually regulated by the FDA, manufacturers are basically given the "honor system" to provide accurate information to consumers. Doing your own research will help immensely. If you ever see something on a supplement(s) that says, "This statement has not been verified by the Food and Drug Administration", I would take it at my own risk.
Frowning or shaking head at a response