When blood doping, it creates more red blood cells which carry oxygen to generally create ATP so in that case there would be more oxygen absorbed by a athlete blood doping than a athlete that is not due to the fact of the increase of red blood cells.
Cultural changes are the changes in the culture of a society by introducing new norms, traits, values, etc. Cultural changes occur when new people meet with the people of the existing society. New people bring about change in the society. Also cultural changes occur when people from societies meet with the people of other cultures and bring their norms, traits, values, etc, in their own culture.
So if the transportation systems are efficient enough between the rural and the urban areas of the country, people are more likely to move around different areas and see different new cultures. Due to efficient transport systems for people within the country, like railways system, bus system, coach facilities, etc, people from urban areas may visit the rural areas and can affect the culture of rural areas. Similarly, people from rural areas can visit people from urban areas and can see enormous cultural norms and traits in other cities and can bring back those values to their societies, which will bring about cultural change in rural societies as well. So efficient transport systems has a great impact in bring about cultural change.
Provinces were established in Japan in the late 7th century under the Ritsuryō law system that formed the first central government.
In health and social care, as a practicioner you're usually required to not disclose any information about your client openly to other people.
The only exemption here is when doing an super- or intervision with your peers, here you can "breach" this confidentiality with obviously still presenting this person as an anonymous case.
Another exemption is when you're given information that revolves around possible hurting other people or self-hurting coming from the client itself.