Answered below
public ArrayList<Integer> removeRange(ArrayList<Integer> X, int min, int max){
int i; int j;
//Variable to hold new list without elements in //given range.
ArrayList<Integer> newList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Nested loops to compare list elements to //range elements.
if(max >= min){
for( i = 0; i < x.length; I++){
for(j = min; j <= max; j++){
if( x [i] != j){
newList.add( x[i] );
return newList;
Following are the answer to this question:
The following is the list of name devices, which is used home network or the school lab.
- hrtr01(home router 1).
- schadmrtr02(school building router 2).
- clpc01, and clpc02 (computer laboratory pc 1 and 2)
- Its use as descriptive names as necessary without gives potential hacks much more relevant data.
- It provides only areas that are essential for both device identification.
- It allows the name for irrelevant or redundant information doesn't over-complicated.
These duties and taxes are charged on imported cars in order to incentivize the people to purchase vehicles built in the home county instead.