Carbon makes four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds, allowing carbon atoms to form multiple stable bonds with other small atoms, including hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. This allows carbon atoms to form a tremendous variety of very large and complex molecules.
Cell wall is the outer permeable covering in all pants and almost all prokaryotes ! cell wall are mainly made up of cellulose , sometime by chitin!!
Phylogenetic species concept (PSC) The concept of a species as an irreducible group whose members are descended from a common ancestor and who all possess a combination of certain defining, or derived, traits (see apomorphy). ... "phylogenetic species concept." A Dictionary of Biology. .
The biological species concept has its limitations (although it works well for many organisms and has been very influential in the growth ofevolutionary theory). ... In thisexample, Ensatina salamander lineages A and B are separate species.Each has a common ancestor that individuals of other species do not.
I hope that this helps you out
No, glycolysis can not be continued without fermentation in the absence of oxygen.
In the absence of oxygen, cells perform fermentation to oxidize NADH into NAD+. NAD+ is required during the conversion of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate into 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate. Fermentation reduces pyruvate and oxidizes NADH so that the NAD+ supply is continued to ensure continuity of glycolysis.
If fermentation does not occur under anaerobic conditions, cells will accumulate pyruvate and NADH. Glycolysis could not be continued in the absence of NAD+.
Bubbles are a sign that the yeast is alive, and that it is performing anaerobic respiration. You should notice that the mixtures with too little and too much sugar do not grow, bubble or foam properly. This is because the yeast needs the perfect amount in order to produce carbon dioxide.