Radioactive is the most penetrating nuclear radiation
The first 50 elements along with their valences are given below :
1. Hydrogen = 1
2. Helium = 0
3. Lithium = 1
4. Beryllium = 2
5. Boron = 3
6. Carbon = 4
7. Nitrogen = 3
8. Oxygen = 2
9. Fluorine = 1
10. Neon = 0
11. Sodium = 1
12. Magnesium = 2
13. Aluminium = 3
14. Silicon = 4
15. Phosphorus = 3
16. Sulphur = 2
17. Chlorine = 1
18. Argon = 0
19. Potassium = 1
20. Calcium = 2
21. Scandiun = 3
22. Titanium = 3
23. Vanadium = 4
24. Chromium = 3
25. Manganese = 4
26. Iron = 2
27. Cobalt = 2
28. Nickel = 2
29. Copper = 2
30. Zinc = 2
31. Gallium = 3
32. Germanium = 4
33. Arsenic = 3
34. Selenium = 2
35. Bromine = 1
36. Krypton = 0
37. Rubidium = 1
38. Strontium = 2
39. Yttrium = 3
40. Zirconium = 4
41. Niobium = 3
42. Molybdenum = 3
43. Technetium = 7
44. Ruthenium = 4
45. Rhodium = 3
46. Palladium = 4
47. Sliver = 1
48. Cadmium = 2
49. Indium = 3
50. Tin = 4
<u>Note</u> :
An element like Iron, copper can have more than one valencies.
If the results of the experiment on repeating are not same, it shows the results are not standard, there are some factors, which are not constant
It is a combustion reaction because when methane burns with oxyzen it produces carbon dioxide,water and heat and light.