Medicare and Medicaid health insurance program
Congress passed a legislation in 1965 under the social security act. The Title XVIII and Title XIX passages of the social security act are aimed at establishing the Medicare and Medicaid services. The Medicare health insurance program is established to cover the health cost of elderly care needs, disabled population, and people with long-term diseases such as kidney disease conditions. Medicaid was established to cater medical care inadequacy which are provided under public assistance. Hence, Medicaid also provides health coverage and resources to families with low income.
The cephalic perimeter is one of the anthropometric measures of importance in children.
The cephalic perimeter is measured to children using a meter which is located above the eyebrows and above the child's ears.
The meter to be used to measure the cephalic perimeter should not be flexible to avoid measurement errors.
The part that is going to be surrounded by the subway must be the widest of the whole head
the cephalic perimeter should normally be around 35 cm.
<span>Wash your hands. Do it frequently and especially
after using the toilet, changing a diaper or petting an animal and
before handling or eating food.
Wear gloves and hairnets. Regularly disinfect any surfaces that you’ll use