Hardy and Weinberg’s work determining how allele frequency changes (C)
O donors can donate to other type
Explanation: the reason is that O type blood can donate to type A, B, AB and O is Compatible to other type of blood - but Kidney transplants need the same type of blood.
dog and kangaroo
this is the only logical answer ~\_(8-8)_/~
The plants provide food and accommodation in the form of food bodies and nectar as well as hollow thorns which can be used as nests. The ants return this favor by protecting the plants against herbivores
The correct answer is "negative".
At pH 2 the net charge of the R groups of all the amino acids that comprise the peptide in question would be positive. This happens because of the high content of protons in a solution of pH 2, a value that is below the isoelectric point of all the amino acids. Since the peptide would have a positive net charge, it would migrate to the negative terminal of the gel because opposite charges attract each other.