Number of moles
Using the number of moles in chemical reactions, we can determine the quantity of products and even the reactants that are combining to form them.
The number of moles is derived using the expression below is;
Number of moles =
Once we establish the number of moles of any of the specie given from the mass and molar mass, we can relate it to any other species.
Arderea de combustibili fosili, activități agricole, eșapament din fabrici și industrii, operațiuni miniere și poluarea aerului interior
They can convert the sun's energy into food.
The chemical equation that shows the reaction between nh3 and cuh206 is detailed as: [Cu(H2O)6]2+ (aq) + 2NH3(aq). —> [Cu(OH)2(H2O)4](s) + 2NH4 + (aq). the blue precipitate is Cu(OH)2(H2O)4 in which the blue color is caused by the Cu present in the solid.
Answer: Hammer, anvil and stirrup are small bones in the ear behind ear drum and before cochlea. These bones helps in transfering the vibrations from ear drum to the cochlea which is further passed to auditory nerve and then to brain