Before you can add or subtract fractions with different first have to find common denominators. subtract the numerators and reduce fraction.
Adding fractions make sure numbers are same add the numerators and put it over the denominator,simplify the fraction if needed
m= 1/2.
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this, we must make the bases equivalent. We can do this by finding the common base which is 5.
We know that 125= 5³ and 25=5², which will help us in this equation. We can rewrite the equation substituting this for the original numbers:
Distribute the exponents to get:

Now, we can simply ignore the '5' and solve for 'm':
6m= 2m+2
4m= 2
m= 1/2.
The slope of the line would be 7
I agree because when you multiply a positive number such as 1/10 by any negative number the result will always be negative.
Withdraw- remove
Deposit- put
Discount- take off