Because it provided a major step in the fight for freedom and they got an organized group together for the first time.
Answer - Race as a categorizing term referring to human beings was first used in the English language in the late 16th century. Until the 18th century it had a generalized meaning similar to other classifying terms such as type, sort, or kind. Occasional literature of Shakespeare’s time referred to a “race of saints” or “a race of bishops.” By the 18th century, race was widely used for sorting and ranking the peoples in the English colonies—Europeans who saw themselves as free people, Amerindians who had been conquered, and Africans who were being brought in as slave labour—and this usage continues today.
The peoples conquered and enslaved were physically different from western and northern Europeans, but such differences were not the sole cause for the construction of racial categories. The English had a long history of separating themselves from others and treating foreigners, such as the Irish, as alien “others.” By the 17th century their policies and practices in Ireland had led to an image of the Irish as “savages” who were incapable of being civilized. Proposals to conquer the Irish, take over their lands, and use them as forced labour failed largely because of Irish resistance. It was then that many Englishmen turned to the idea of colonizing the New World. Their attitudes toward the Irish set precedents for how they were to treat the New World Indians and, later, Africans.
Spartans were trained from the time they were seven years old to be warriors. Girls as well as boys were taught in the art of war. The Spartans also lived a very austere lifestyle so that they would be used to long millitary campaigns.
Help students avoid factors that hinder problem solving
By listing the many ways to use the large rubber band, students are able to grasp and understand the rubber band fully. In this way there many options that a person would consider when trying to get creative with problem solving that may involve the rubber. Since the student very different facets to the rubber, he/she is able to devise a loophole that may create a way to solve a problem using the rubber band.