DDWw x Ddww
DdWw x DDww
DDWw x DDww
D for tallness
d for dwarfness
W for violet
w for white
For Parental Plants that has
tall, violet x tall, white
The representation will be
DDWW × DDww (We the apply the mendelian crossing)
This will yield offsprings with the following trait
DdWw x ddww
Ddww x ddWw
DdWw x DdWw
DDWw x ddww
From the above Offsprings
1/2 tall, white and 1/2 tall, violets offspring are
DDWw x Ddww
DdWw x DDww
DDWw x DDww
<span> esta a dizer que o citoplasma é um gel -como substância espessa . Ele liquefaz Quando é agitado ou agitado . Citoplasma se refere é o citoplasma , que significa substância da célula. Este nome descreve, o citoplasma é a substância de vida , o citoplasma serve como uma sopa molecular , é no citoplasma , onde todos os organelos celulares são suspensas e estão ligadas entre si por uma membrana de bicamada lipídica .</span>
He observed 15 different finch species that originated as one ancestral bird. all differing in body shape, beak size, and mating habbits
The correct option is option b that is<em> Homo erectus</em> is the common ancestor of<em> Homo neanderthalensis</em> and<em> Homo sapiens.</em>
<em>Homo erectus </em>appears about 2 mya, possibly during the Pleistocene epoch and are considered as direct ancestor of human.They are called as upright man as they use legs for walking without any support.They are thought to be capable of doing certain things like hunting, starting fire,art making, create speech etc.
<em>Homo neanderthal</em> was the most recent ancestor species of modern human as they appear about 40,000 years ago.
They became extinct as they did't fight against environmental hazards and the major cause of their extinction that scientists have claimed that they did't adapt the modern techniques that the modern human does.
The highest potential of the 4 organic molecules found in living beings are nucleic acid, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.