Whole numbers are positive numbers (this includes 0) that do not have decimals or fractions to them.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,etc are all whole numbers, because they are positive and do not have decimals or fractions
1.25 would not be a whole number, because although it is positive, it has a decimal.
In word form it would be 2 to the 6th power.
Step-by-step explanation:
We know this because exponent equals to 2*2*2*2*2*2 or also known as 2 to the 6th power.
Answer: 2.50 is the fee he must pay before the taxi takes him anywhere
Step-by-step explanation: since it is an add on, and it is not multiplied by the variable, we know this is a one time expense, meaning it is the base charge.
The answer is A