Answer and Explanation:
Note: This is a personal question, which means you should provide your personal opinion. Therefore, feel free to change anything in the answer or simply use it as a model for your own.
Since race and ethnicity are entirely social constructs, why do you think society is so heavily divided based on race and ethnicity?
I believe it boils to down to the basic human need concerning the sense of belonging. Human beings realized the need to live in communities thousands of years ago because that made it safer and easier to survive. We also learned to distinguish between our own communities and others, looking for differences. Thus, is someone looked strange, talked in a different language, dressed differently, etc., we knew it meant he or she did not belong to our community, and that made us aware of the possibility of his or her being an enemy.
Somehow, we do not seem to have overcome that behavior yet. We still look for differences and base our judgments on them. If someone's skin color is different than our own, some people will still identify that person as belonging to a different community. Unfortunately, that judgment is often accompanied by prejudices, a fact that also seems attached to our need to belong to a community. We are taught to believe our community and its members are better, more intelligent, more civilized.