Determine the reporting Date and period. 2. Identify your assets. 3. Identify your liabilities.
4. Calculate shareholders' equity.
Add total liabilities to total shareholders' equity and compare to the assets.
The answer is Monopoly
Monopoly describes the situation which supply of a service or commodity is controlled by a specific enterprise or person. The situation gives rise to what is known as a mopolisitic market structure.
A monopolistic market, like the term implies, describes a market that is dominated by just one company. In other words, it is just a single company that offers services and products to the public.
Being the only supplier, the company can raise prices, restrict output and enjoy super-normal profits.
The two questions that he must ask from himself are:
- Do you have credit report?
- Do you have good credit score?
The reason is that the banks are giving you money and are worried about whether or not you are going to pay them back or not. So they require some evidences whether the person has any credit report and good credit score which shows that the person will be worried to pay the bank and if he is not able to pay he find alternative as he is a responsible person. So these two questions assesses whether the person is capable to pay the mortgage.
Human rights violation or abuse means any harm committed by a State or a business enterprise, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities, against any person or group of persons, individually or collectively, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their human rights, including environmental rights, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities of a transnational character.
Answer: Visible to senior leadership but not lower levels of the organization
Most short term wins are not visible to senior leadership, but are obvious to lower levels of the organization. The senior leadership wants results at the end of a business day and may not recognize the efforts that have been put in place by lower level of the organization for the progress that is noticeable so far.