The only reactants are Nitrogen and Oxygen and the only product is dinitrogen pentoxide. Following the law of conservation of mass, the total amount of reactants must equal the total amount of products. Thus, the total mass of dinitrogen pentoxide:
35 + 48
= 83 grams
Each molecule contains one atom of A and one atom of B. The reaction does not use all of the atoms to form compounds.
A + B ⟶ Product
Particles: 6 8 6
If six A atoms form six product molecules, each molecule can contain only one A atom.
The formula of the product is ABₙ.
If n = 1, we need six atoms of B.
If n = 2, we need 12 atoms of B. However, we have only eight atoms of B, so the formula of the product must be AB.
Thus, 6A + 6B ⟶ 6AB, with two B atoms left over.
Credit goes to @znk
Hope it helps you :))
El rendimiento de tubérculos de la papa es vulnerable a las altas temperaturas y se ve desafiado por el aumento asimétrico de las temperaturas diurnas y nocturnas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la fotosíntesis, el crecimiento de biomasa, la distribución de la masa de tubérculos y el rendimiento de tubérculo seco en papas cosechadas temprano que se cultivaron en el campo bajo condiciones de alta temperatura diurna y nocturna durante diferentes etapas de crecimiento.
Solution 1.
We can find the concentration of a solution by looking at the ratio of the components.
In the first solution, there is a 500 mL:100g ratio. In the second, there is a 500mL:90g ratio. The greater ratio, or the ratio with a greater amount of solute in proportion to the water, is the first.