On the internet
The most advertisements I notice are pop-up messages on the internet. I spend a lot of time online, reading newspapers, buying things from online shops or chatting with friends.
I notice the advertisements there because they are very eye-catching. Their headlines are written in big, bold letters, aiming to catch the reader's attention. The headlines are also very interesting or thought-provoking, or offering a very good discount on products. It is difficult not to notice the advertisements on the internet as they are literary everywhere, even on social media where I spend a lot of time each day.
Seljuk Turks
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre had to be rebuilt after it was destroyed by the Caliph of Egypt, Al-Hakim, in 1009. Following this time, Christian pilgrims were free to visit the church. However, around 1077 Muslim Seljuk Turks took control of the Holy Land.
D. Intimacy and emotional support
A family is an important part of the society and contributes to society building in several ways which include; raising children who are sociable, providing economic support and educating their children in preparation for future careers.
Intimacy and emotional support is not a basic need families must fulfil in the society.
Psychology is best described as the study of human thought and behavior.