This is a very philosophical question, so it requires your own opinions and reasoning. I will help as much as I can for you to develop your thoughts, but I cannot write them for you.
One of the most important things for you to reference in question two is the natural state of man. How was it like? Are we peaceful and individualistic, as John Locke states in <em>Two Treatise of Government</em>, or are humans selfish and natural life would be "nasty, brutish, and short" as Nicolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes state in <em>The Prince </em>and <em>The Leviathan </em>(respective titles)? Why is this so?
These philosophers also give a reason as to why government is necessary for humankind. For Locke, it is to protect the people from larger threats. For Hobbes, it is to make man civilized. For Machiavelli, it is for a leader to align their self-interest with those of the people and make a prosperous community.
If you need any more help, ask me! I hope this helps :)
The fact that dating sites are likely more efficient than meeting in person and would be the first step of knowing people.
The nitrogen cycle in which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into different organic compounds,is one of the most crucial natural processes to sustain living organisms.During the cycle,bacteria in the soil process or fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia,which plants need in order to grow.
The word or phrase to fill into the gap is the "Ku Klux Klan", an extreme right organization calling for what they would call a "purification" of the US-American society.
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