.docx is the default file extension on a Word doc.
Answer: keeps confidential documents secure,
displays a GUI, allocates the computer's resources, and retrieves files
The operating system can be defined as the software installed in the system that provides the information and services to the users by controlling the hardware, software resources, and regulates the computer programs. It runs the applications and programs in the system, displays the graphic user interface for the services, stores, manipulates, and retrieves files. It prevents the unauthorized access to the data and programs by using passwords thus provides the security to the system and documents.
Quality Of Service
Technology that manages data traffic to reduce packet loss, latency and jitter on the network. QoS controls and manages network resources by setting priorities for specific types of data on the network.
Yes, it is correct. God is great. He gives pain but gives the ointment as well to get rid of it. God gives tougher challenges, but God also gives the guts to tackle them and win them. The story of adaptation, ad predator also goes like this. God gives spines to sea urchins to survive, and it gives the birds stronger beaks to break shells. Similarly, he gives programmers awesome brains to solve the toughest problems.
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