When you are doing actual math, you need to use actual numbers. Always convert the percentages to decimals!) Then, since "sixteen percent OF fourteen hundred" tells you to multiply the 0.16 and the 1400, you get: (0.16)(1400) = 224. This says that 224 is sixteen percent of 1400.
N = 105/u
U = 105/n
Step-by-step explanation:
Let's solve for n.
Step 1: Divide both sides by u.
nu/u = 105
un = 105/u
Let's solve for u.
Step 1: Divide both sides by n.
nu/n = 105/n
u = 105/n
Step-by-step explanation:
I believe this is right but it could be wrong. Hope this helps! <3
Quality rotation is the act of a joint moving through a range of motion in a way that is efficient, controlled and repeatable.