1. The cost of removing 20% of pollutants is $19,650
2. The cost of removing 95% of pollutants is $1,493,400
3. Smallest value of p can be 0
4. Largest value of p can be 99
Step-by-step explanation:
The equation is 
- C(p) is the cost, and
- p is the percent of pollutants
<u>Find the cost of removing 20%. </u>
We simply plug in 20 into p in the formula and get:

The cost of removing 20% of pollutants is $19,650
<u>Find the cost of removing all but 5% of the pollutants. </u>
This basically translates to removing 100-5=95%, so we simply plug in 95 into p int he formula and get:

The cost of removing 95% of pollutants is $1,493,400
<u>What is the smallest value p can be?</u>
We can opt to clean nothing, so p can be zero (0). p is the percent of pollutant to clean, so if we decide not to clean, then p can be 0. Hence, the smallest value of p is 0.
<u>What is the largest integer value p can be?</u>
Percent of pollutants to clean would be 100% (<em>theoretically</em>). But this would violate laws of arithmetic. Because if we were to use 100 in the formula, there would be division by 0, which isn't permitted. So the closest largest integer below 100 is 99. So the largest integer value of p is 99. <em>(anything over 100 doesn't make sense and is not feasible)</em>