A peripheral pulse refers to the palpation of the high-pressure wave of blood moving away from the heart through vessels in the extremities following systolic ejection. This phenomenon is readily palpated and serves as a useful clinical tool, comprising one of the most commonly performed physical examination maneuvers at every level of medical care. Palpation occurs at various locations of the upper and lower extremities including the radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis arteries and most commonly evaluates the rate, rhythm, intensity, and symmetry. Peripheral pulses can be used to identify many different types of pathology and are therefore, a valuable clinical tool. Finally, modern medical technology allows for evaluation of pulses in ways beyond palpation, such as using Doppler ultrasound to characterize the pulse waveform further.
The health triangle is a measure of the different aspects of health. The health triangle consists of: Physical, Social, and Mental Health. Physical health deals with the body's ability to function.
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