Solids have a definite shape and volume. They are always the same shape no matter what they are contained in; their volume is also the same because they don't change unless you add or take away from it.
Liquids have an indefinite shape but definite volume. They expand to fill out the space they are contained in, but their volume doesn't change unless you take out or add more of the liquid.
Gases have an indefinite shape and volume. Gases expand to fill out the space they are in and also don't have a clear shape because they are not always in one form.
Water goes into the sky by condensation I think
We know we will need a balanced chemical equation with masses and molar masses, so, let's gather all the information in one place.
You don't tell us what the reaction is, but we can solve the problem so long as we balance the OH.
M_r: 58.32
Mg(OH)₂ + … ⟶ … + 2HOH
m/g: 58.3
(a) Moles of Mg(OH)₂
(b) Moles of H₂O
The molar ratio is 2 mol H₂O = 1 mol Mg(OH)₂.
The reaction will form of water.
I dont know if this is correct.. but maybe in the tool row, put graduated cylinder because you use graduated cylinders to measure water and for units put milliliters or liters?? Sorry if this isnt correct i wouldnt know what else to put !