Mark pathogenic cells for destruction. (Ans. B)
Antibodies are generated by the plasma cells, and once these secreted, they attach quickly to the surface of the toxin and stop the toxin from infecting the normal body cell by blocking key extracellular sites.
Antibodies also help to mark pathogens for destruction by the help of macrophages or neutrophils and they are known as phagocytic cells because they are highly excited to macro-molecules complexed with antibodies.
It should be understood that, the concentration profile across the endothelial cells will base on the diffusion rate of the filtrate .
Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other doesn't benefit and is also not harmed. The tree is helping the orchid and the orchid isn't benefiting or harming the tree.
Venus is not ideal for supporting life because it has a thick atmosphere which causes extremely high temperatures.
- Venus is the second planet near to the sun in solar system.
- It is called the twin of Earth because of its almot similar size.
- It completes one revolution in 225 days.
- It is the hottest planet on in the solar system having temperature near 735 K which is more than mercury, the nearest planet to the sun.
- The high temperatures of Venus results from its extremely dense and Carbon dioxide rich atmosphere. The atmosphere is surrounded by thick clouds of sulphuric acid that cause sulphuric acid rains.
- It is known as evening star.