the answer is true well it is on apex anyway i hope its right
Economist A
Elasticity is a measure of investment sensitivity. If the investment is elastic, a slight increase in price (interest rate) will decrease the amount of investment. Conversely, if the investment is inelastic, a change in interest rates will not considerably affect the investment rate. The calculation of elasticity consists of the change in the investment rate divided by the change in the interest rate. If the calculation of elasticity is less than 1, it is considered ineastic, while investments with elasticity above 1 are considered elastic. Thus, economist A believes that the investment rate is elastic to the interest rate, while economist B believes the opposite. So for economist A the rise in interest rates will affect the investment rate of the economy (and hence the macroeconomic environment) because in his view investment is elastic. Economist B does not believe that interest rate fluctuations will affect demand for investments.
Answer: Fixed-position layouts
Explanation: Fixed-position layouts are employed to assemble large, bulky, or fragile products to safely and effectively transferred them to a particular site for completion. E.g Assembling of an airplane. furthermore, personnel, supplies, and equipment are brought to the location where the product will be assembled. In involves ensuring that all the right people, equipment, and materials arrive on time and this is a challenging tasks when using fixed-position layouts.
Answer: Mutual mistake
A mutual mistake in a contract is a situation that arises when the parties in a contract make the same mistake in reference to a significant fact in the contract. i.e., they are mutually ignorant of a fact of the contract.
Had they both known about that mistake, they might not have gone into the contract so the contract is voidable in this scenario.
Both Walker and Sheerwood were mutually mistaken about the fact that Rose was pregnant when they went into the contract so this contract is voidable by this theory.