2. Some fractions could be different in denominator and numerator so you'll have to make all denominators the same in order to order them. It'll make it easier because the numerator will show which numbers are greater than the other. For example, 1/2 and 3/4, u could convert both to equivalent fractions. Make 1/2 into 2/4 and 3/4 stays the same, 3/4 is greater than 2/4 so it goes first.
3. 2/3, 7/12, 4/9, 1/2, 3/8, 5/24.
It's in this order because their equivalent fractions are,
27/72, 48/72, 36/72, 42/72, 36/72, 15/72.( that's the order they're in in the question)
1) The ratio of used books to all books is 6:14
2) The ratio of used books to new books is 6:8
8 is the number
Step-by-step explanation:
3x8= 24
24-9 is 15
you multiply 0.45kg by 87kg you will get 39lb
<u><em>90 males.</em></u>
Step-by-step explanation:
To find the answer we will <u><em>divide 45% by 100</em></u>, and we get <u><em>0.45</em></u>. Now <u><em>multiply 0.45 by 200</em></u> and you get <u><em>90</em></u>. Therefore, <u><em>90 males is the answer. </em></u>