The pyloric sphincter
The pyloric sphincter, which separates the stomach and duodenum, periodically opens to release small portions of acidic chyme
The term, "perceiving" means to be aware or alert.
This means this is FALSE because he is NEITHER of those things.
Answer: slightly cooler than
The testes are the male gonads. These are found in a loose pouch which is called as the scrotum behind the penis. The testes are responsible for production and storage of sperms which are the male gametes, and fluids which makes up the composition of the semen in males. The testes being the sperm factor functions efficiently when the temperature of the scrotum is slightly cooler than the rest of the body.
D. What site to obtain the temperatures
An individual care plan of a patient by a nurse or a resident will contain all the basic information necessary to provide an individualized care plan for that patient.
Patient’s vital signs including body temperature are assessed on a routine basis and recorded in the nursing/resident’s care plan.
In an individual nursing/resident’s care plan, the temperature will mostly be recorded like Temperature: 101.40F (orally). This clearly mentions the recorded value and site of recording the temperature.
Recording the temperature accurately, precisely, consistently and diligently is very important because it is a vital parameter which is used to decide treatment modalities.
Hence, the site and method of measurement should be selected appropriately and used consistently and recorded in the nursing care plan to ensure measurement accuracy and patient’s safety.
I believe that is false, hope this helps