All living things made up of one or more cells.
Answer: Mitochondria. The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs: Outer membrane – the outer membrane contains transport proteins that enable the shuttling of pyruvate from the cytosol. Inner membrane – contains the electron transport chain and ATP synthase (used for oxidative phosphorylation)
The Various Kinases that is activated after the breaks in DNA is after the activation of ATM serine threonine kinase which helps in phosphorylation of other DNA replication check proteins, p53 protein (tumor suppressor protein) etc.
ATM activated by MRN complex at the site of DNA double stranded breaks by phosphorylation. MRN complex activity on ATM induces a conformational change in ATM kinase. So it can bind to its various substrate molecules that helps in DNA replication cycle arrest.
ATM phosphorylates CHK2 protein a product of CHEK2 gene, also known as effector kinases that phosphorylates and helps in deactivation of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) that helps in the prevention of progression of mitotic phase.
ATM also phosphorylates the inhibitors of p53 proteins which leads to the overexpression of p21, an inhibitor of (CDKs).
Answer: Desert mole excretes concentrated urine with urea. Marine fish excretes urine with uric acid. Tilapia excretes dilute urine with amino acids.
Ribosomes,cytoplasm ,cell wall and circular DNA could be used to justify that the cell is a prokaryote.
Ribosome Ribosome is present in both prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell.The prokaryotic cell 70S ribosome which contain 2 subunits the larger subunit is 50S and the smaller subunit is 30s
Cell wall Prokaryotes such as bacterial cell contain cell wall.Cell wall of bacteria contain various carbohydrates which are crosslinked with peptides resulting in the formation of peptidoglycan.
Cytoplasm The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell such as bacteria contain ribosomes,chromosome and extracellular genetic material called plasmid.
Circular DNA Almost all prokayotic chromosome contain circular DNA molecule that does not contain any free ends.