you....your not asking anything?
Explanation: the substances which have a large number of free electrons and offer a low resistance are called conductors
Recombinant DNA or rDNA is the general term given to the process of taking a piece of a DNA and merging it with another strand of DNA. The combination of two or more different strands of DNA allows scientists to be able to produce a new and different strand of DNA. Combination of the DNAs of two different organisms is one of themost common recombinant process. The combination of these strands of DNA will give way to the creation of the cure of a lot of genetic diseases in the future like cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and the likes.
An organism is a body which is made up of many organ systems and parts. Organs constitute these organ systems. Then we will notice that these organs are made up of different types of tissues. Tissues are further analyzed under microscope to see millions of cells. By increasing the magnifying power, we can see that the cells are made up of further small molecules called atoms.
So starting form atom leads to further steps and development steps, an organism is formed. Atoms combine to form cells and each cell in the body perform the same function as our body as a whole perform. No smaller components can perform important functions of body other than cells. That’s y cells are known to be as the fundamental unit of life.