In spherocytosis, there is a defect in the membrane proteins of the red blood cells, specifically ankyrin and spectrin. These membrane proteins contribute to the biconcave shape of red blood cells therefore the loss of these proteins will lead the red blood cells to lose its biconcave shape--leading to abnormally shaped red blood cells (spheres) hence the name. This can lead to premature destruction of red blood cells and jaundice due to hyperbilirubinemia. Spherocytes do not hold oxygen and carbon dioxide well as spherocytes have a decreased surface area.
They stay in deeper warmer water and move allot and eat a lot of bait food
The 3.9 billion year old rock has undergone three half-lives (3.9 divided by 1.3 = 3). After 3 half-lives, 12.5% of the potassium-40 remains undecayed.