Editing ur profile
Go to edit And it will Back space it self, if that doesnt work then i dont think there is a way to delete questions -w-
Mining and plantations
i did the test guessed and got it right!
<h3> b. small, incremental adjustment.</h3>
In economics, the term marginal change implies to small incremental change in the existing trend of the market or economy. Marginal change does not usually affect the whole economy but may result in a slight difference in the aggregate results.
For example, if a retailer raises the price of a product from $9 to $10 due to increase in marginal cost of the product, it is a marginal change.
Or suppose the average cost of a bus ticket to the next city cost $20 and the total cost of the 40 seats is $800 dollars. But imagine if three seats remained empty and one passenger who did not book a seat wants to pay $15 for a ticket, the driver will willingly accept the offer because although the average cost of a ticket is $20, the marginal cost is merely the cost of the ticket. The driver has to recover gas money from all the three empty seats.
leaders emerge during the social control stage of social change.
- According to resource mobilization theory, people often feel that they deserve better than they have.
- Relative deprivation theory applies to groups like white supremacists.
<h3>What is structural strain theory in a social movement?</h3>
- Structural-strain theory posits that social movements arise as a result of six factors: structural conduciveness, structural strain, growth and spread of a solution, precipitating factors, lack of social control, and mobilization.
To learn more about it, refer