Himalaya Mountains.
form a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The length is 2,400 km (1,500 ml)
The 2nd Debater
Because he has evidence on why they shouldn’t have rights.
The people of Sumer are among the earliest denizens of Mesopotamia. By about 4000 BCE, the Sumerians had organized themselves into several city-states that were spread throughout the southern part of the region. These city-states were independent of one another and were fully self-reliant centers, each surrounding a temple that was dedicated to god or goddess specific to that city-state. Each city-state was governed by a Priest King.
Impersonality and personal difference is a characteristic of bureaucracy where an individual is hired on the ability to deliver and not solely on their personal traits or attributes.