After months of singing "itsy bitsy spider" with her mother, baby Nicole is beginning to do some of the song's actions by herself. This is an example of <span>scaffolding.
Scaffolding refers to a learning process that is tailored to stronger understanding and independence. When Nicole is sang to, she is able to get a great understanding of how to do it on her own and then eventually started to do all of that on her own. By learning this way, baby Nicole is getting a stronger understanding of how to develop further learning on her own.
Austin and Cody play together with their trucks in the sandbox. This is an example of <u>cooperative</u> play.
Cooperative play can be included in a variety of ways into your family's everyday routine. Simple actions like sharing toys with a sibling, helping set the table for supper, and reading a book together are a few excellent examples.
When kids play together, they have common objectives. They might organize their play and decide on the rules. Of the six play stages, it is the most difficult.
Kids can develop their social skills through cooperative play as they learn how to deal with group dynamics. It teaches kids how to cooperate and make concessions to others, acknowledge and respond to others' emotions, share, be affectionate, and settle disputes.
Learn more about cooperative play here
If Jessica keeps on paying all the bills and does something special by spending money on her stuff, then Paul might get sad and feel uncomfortable and guilty.
Money is often the root cause of couples drifting away from each other. If only one partner spends all the money and the other is incapable of doing so, then they may feel offended at times, and this can cause some rift between them which can affect their relationship negatively. It is very important for the partners to share the bills or contribute proportionally to their income. It can reduce misunderstandings too and hence bring positivity between them. Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both relational partners in a rational manner. It also suggests that employee motivation at work is driven largely by their sense of fairness and proportion. It simply focuses on the idea that both inputs and outcomes of any exchange process should be proportional in nature.
Learn more about Equity theory at:
Is there a map key? Each map can hold a different meaning for a color.
It could be an average temperature range, rainfall range, etc