A) DIscolsure, beacuse it requires lenders to disclose to buyers the true cost of obtainng credit.
The Lending Law was estalished in 1968, as a way to regulat certain unethical practices in lending, and was originally known as Regulation Z.
a. Social Intelligence
Social Intelligence refers to some intelligence where the person gets to know the behaviour of a person by their way of working and knowing them in person.
This is generally referred to as a tact where the person uses his common sense to address the problem or situation in hand.
Here, in the given instance, Fatima is a manager, and has to inform an employee about his tardiness, and as the employee might feel embarrassed in front of his colleagues, she makes sure that the person does not feel bad and accordingly chooses a time where she can talk to him personally about this instance.
So that he shall not feel embarrassed in front of his colleagues and inferior in any manner.
Here, she uses social intelligence as a tact to overcome this situation, and normalise the tardiness of her employee.
Hi. I'm not sure if this is a multiple choice item but I'll try my best to answer. The term Learners with Continuous Partial Attention is applied primarily to students who do not consciously apply the Let Me Learn system. They multitask during learning situations.
They're the birth place of Democracy.
Ancient Greece was considered as the first civilizations that introduced the concept of Democracy.
The building in Ancient Greece was designed to accommodate a lot of audiences facing one specific direction where the speaker can present his/her case. The Roman civilization adopted this building and some principles from Greek's democracy.
American leaders in the past used these concept as a replacement for British' monarchy. They found that mimicking the building can be a source of inspiration that remind them about the core foundation of democratic government.