I believe it’s A I think, I think I’m right
Static Electricity - the word static means 'at rest' - this kind of electricity exists when objects separated by an insulator has a build up of opposite charges. Because the attraction between these charges is so strong, they can flow even through great insulators. Ex: lightning, friction
Current Electricity - it makes electronic devices possible. There is a constant flow of charges in this type of electricity. In contrast to static electricity, current electricity is changing, dynamic and always on the move. Ex: starting a car, watching TV, using an electric stove.
The rocks may have different textures
If we have to igneous rocks, and they have the same minerals, that doesn't necessarily means that they will have the same name, thus being classified as the same rock. The reason for this is that the two igneous rocks may have a different texture. One of the rocks may have a foliated, while the other may have porphyritic, giving them different appearance despite the same minerals being in both of them. The reason why two igneous rocks with the same minerlas may appear different, is the process in which they have been formed, the quickness of the cooling, the temperature that they were exposed to, and the pressure they were exposed to.
Ok Thanks have a wonderful day-night
When blood glucose levels increase above set point, the hormone insulin, which is produced in the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, is secreted into the bloodstream. The insulin binds to insulin receptors on cell membranes of liver cells, which results in accelerated conversion of glucose to glycogen, and a slower conversion of glycogen to glucose. This caused blood glucose levels to fall back to normal range again.