1. A
2. B
Operant conditioning can be defined as an associative learning process which involves reinforcing the strength of a behavior. Thus, the outcome depends on the response in operant conditioning.
A reinforcement of a desired behavior involves the process of strengthening a positive behavior being exhibited by an individual through the use of stimulus. Therefore, making the behavior to be exhibited in the future by the individual.
1. Escape conditioning: A mosquito is biting your arm and you slap it. You are more likely to slap mosquitos biting your arm in future. An escape conditioning can be defined as a type of conditioning in which a subject such as a human learn how to avoid a stimulus that is aversive i.e the aversive stimulus is eliminated by the occurrence of the stimulus.
2. Avoidance conditioning: A mosquito is flying around you and so you slap it so that it does not bite you. You are more likely to slap at mosquitos flying around you in future. An avoidance conditioning can be defined as a type of conditioning in which the occurrence of the behavior prevents the aversive stimulus.
The similarity is the gestalt principle. In this principle perceive things in wholeness. According to this principle, The objects, things share the same characteristics, color, texture, shape, size, value, and orientation. These things are seen as belonging together.
So that in the above texture Kevin works in the facilities team where he has to organize things systematically. So that Kevin put all things according to their colors and shape and size that indicates the principle of gestalt ism.
The 5th and 14th amendments each contain a due process clause. due process deals with administration of justice and this acts as a safe guard from arbitrary denial of life property etc, by the government law.
hope this helped:)
A) 5,3,2,1,4
Virginia Declaration of Rights in May of 1776.
United States Declaration of Independence in July of 1776
Articles of Confederation in November 1777
Constitution of Massachusetts in 1779.
The Constitution of the United States in September 1787.
yoooo sup shawty
In early civilization, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica are diverse from early South America because people in the Americas developed an entirely different menu of foods than those in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica. The areas in which civilization developed in Mesoamerica include Mexico and Mesopotamia include Sumerians. Also, people in South America were hunter-gathers people. Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica people weren't.
In South America, early civilizations developed along the coast. All three regions had rainy areas, dry places along the coast. Because of the different types of land and weather, a variety of plants and animals lived there. All three regions also developed a system of trade.