Anti-Semitism, in the broad sense of the term, refers to hostility towards Jews based on a combination of religious, racial, cultural and ethnic prejudices. [1] In a narrow sense, anti-Semitism refers to hostility towards Jews. Jews, defined as a race, not as a religious group, a modern conception that would have emerged in the mid-nineteenth century as a derivation of racism and nationalism, thus differentiating itself from the earlier "religious anti-Semitism" that some historians prefer to call anti-Judaism, [2] Whose most developed expression would be Christian anti-Judaism.
Anti-Semitism can manifest itself in many forms, such as individual hatred or discrimination, attacks by nucleated groups for that purpose, or even police or state violence.
Trust within the community, not being stupid, and a sense of political (or physical) strength.
<u>Decision making under certainty: </u>
It is the decision, maker known with reasonable certainty what the alternative and outcomes of each alternative, and outcomes of each alternative. Under the condition of certainty, accurate, measurable, and reliable information on that to base the decision is available.
<u>Decision making under risk: </u>
When a manager lacks perfect information or wherever an information asymmetry exists, the risk arises, Under a state of risk decision-maker has incomplete information about available alternatives but has a good idea of the probable outcomes of each alternative.
Rotating Levers make a(n) INCLINED PLANE
Karl Marx, the founder of the communist ideology. Ura, my comrade.