Structures built on land underlain by weak mud that could liquefy are prone to collapse in an earthquake. Also structures built on top of, on, or at the base of steep escarpments could fail and produce landslides.
We determine the mass of the metal in grams by weighing it using the balance.
Next we obtain the volume of the metal by measuring its displacement with a graduated cylinder and water in the following way:
1.measure amount of water in the graduated cylinder.
2. Place metal into the graduated cylinder
3. Measure the amount of water in the graduated cylinder
4. Subtract step 1 from step 3. The difference is the metal's volume.
Once we have found out the mass and the volume then we calculate the density using the formula:
Density = Mass/Volume.
We then check our answer from the known densities of metals in the table of densities that has been provided and determine the identity and purity of the metal by how close our answer is to the most probable value in the table.
The nitrogen cycle is a repeating cycle of processes during which nitrogen moves through both living and non-living things: the atmosphere, soil, water, plants, animals and bacteria. In order to move through the different parts of the cycle, nitrogen must change forms.
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A UG dinucleotide is when UG is repeated.
mRNAs are transcribed and translated as a 5' to 3' molecule. Therefore, the direction should be 5' - 3'.
For the mRNA to be in frame, it must start with UG. The only option that runs 5' - 3' and is in frame for a UG dinucleotide is d.