let me do my research real fast and I will let you know what I find
In making an experiment their are two types of variable that should be consider, one is the dependent variable and the other one is the independent variables. I the question that dependent variable would be the result or the effect of the gender of mice and the independent is the ways in determining it. So the variables should be fair if you want your result to have no bias. Thus the answer would be letter B. because it has the same variables but different in gender
The average daily dietary fiber recommendations are 38 grams and 25 grams for male and females respectively. Dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of food that is usually derived from plants. It includes soluble fibers found in peas, beans, apples among others and the insoluble fiber, which promotes the movement of material through the digestive system and increases the bulk of the stool.
La Tierra primitiva no tenía una atmósfera o agua libre. El planeta estaba demasiado caliente para que los gases y el agua se acumularan.
Answer is E.
Chromosomal inversion is a situation involving the segment of a chromosome where it is turned upside down and reinserted back into the chromosome. This usually occurs because of a breakage and rearrangement occurring within a single chromosome.
It is of a two types, these are
* Paracentric chromosomal inversion - a type where a segment not including the centromere is snipped out, inverted, and inserted back to its location on chromosome.
* Pericentric chromosomal inversion - is a type where a segment including the centromere is snipped out, inverted, and inserted back to its original location on chromosome.