The imaginary audience.
The thinking of the individual arise by its experience and incident that has occurred. The individual can imagine different things in his imagination and may create the new idea.
Andre helps in clearing the windows but suddenly the window pane broke and leaves a cut on her nose. Andre thinks that her classmates will poke and make fun. The Andre is thinking of the imaginary audience. The audience is her school classmates and in her imagination she has imagined that she will be made fun by the audience.
Thus, the correct answer is option (a).
It is probably grief. There are several types. Prolonged grief is also a possibility. There is not enough information to give an accurate diagnosis. There are tests that can rule out any physical ailments. I suspect grief due to the anxiety, fatigue and difficulty eating and sleeping. The weight loss is what makes me thinks lab work rule out first.
Many other factors would have me recommend he see his endocrinologist that treats his Diabetes to follow up on his labs and rule out any changes. If labs are normal, I would recommend talk therapy. 6 months is relatively recent, and grief is unique per person. There is no time table.
The Seven Stages of Grief. Dr. Kübler-Ross refined her model to include seven stages of loss. The 7 stages of grief model is a more in-depth analysis of the components of the grief process. These seven stages include shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, and acceptance.
The answer will be immunity.
A. heredity ejfrhweiogfyghfsdgfsdogfslgdldf