Fail to maintain tax free system- tax get imposed & people unwillingness to pay tax , there is always budget deficit instate of surplus. panchayat officers ignorant about social responsibility & are handicap for decision making at local level. central fail to decide norms for local govt & effectiveness.
organelles cells molecules tissues organs systems organism
Answer and Explanation:
In summary, we can say that the differences between southern and northern states originated in the different ways that these regions developed. Southern states lived a more rural life. This type of life was established in this region of the country, because the states developed through slave labor and the export of agricultural products to Europe. The southern states had a more urban, modern and industry-oriented life as these states developed based on wage labor and the articulation of a powerful industrial production and a powerful trade. These differences meant that northerners and southerners had completely conflicting ideas about fiscal, agrarian and labor policies. in addition to disagreeing about tax rates, the import and export of the country. in addition, there was a social prejudice and a great enmity between the two regions that went beyond political and economic clashes.
This caused the southerners to originate the belief called sectionalism, because they believed that they would be a more valued and more successful nation if it separated itself from the American territory, creating a new country and making its own decisions. although many northerners had no regard for southerners, they originated the belief called nationalism, where they fought the ideas of dividing the country, as they knew the importance of agrarian production that the south of the country produced and believed that slavery established in the south, should fought. In addition, they rejected the idea of loss of territory.
1) Great Britain , Soviet Union, the US and China
2) After the First world war the term "Baltic states" came to refer to countries by the Baltic Sea that had gained independence from the Russian Empire. The term includes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and originally also included Finland, which later became grouped among the Nordic countries.
3) The Soviet Union
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Privity of contract provides a relation between the parties to contract and restricts third party from entering.
This statement is False as a contract is no more private if it is disclosed to any other third party. As legal rights and obligations are imposed between parties, agent is not beneficial from contract. This doctrine of privity of contract prevents any third party from entering and enforcing some other person's rights in contract.