The boy’s foot causes the motion. His foot is the one that causes the ball to roll down the hill.
Cd(NO3)2 + Na2S --> CdS + 2 NaNO3
4:chemical properties can only be observed when a substance changes into another substance.
5: physical properties such as color and shape are easy to observe
6: in a chemical change an altered substance forms
7: cooking or baking food will result in a chemical change
8: a melting ice cube is a physical change
9: the rusting of iron is a chemical change
10: water boiling is a scientific physical change
There are supposed to be numbers in these places:
" _____ of methane"
" ... pressure of exactly _____ "
" ... temperature of _____ "
I've seen a lot of questions with missing numbers before, but I think this is the first time I ever saw a question where even the number of significant digits to round the answer to is missing.
"Round your answer to _____ significant digits."
The shortest wavelength of visible light = violet light
Energy that can be felt as heat but not seen = infrared
Short, invisible rays that can cause eye damage = ultraviolet
Visible light with the longest wavelength = red light
Electromagnetic waves are waves consisting of oscillations of the electric and the magnetic field, occurring in a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion the wave.
They are the only type of waves able to travel without a medium, and they are transverse in nature.
All electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum at the speed of light, which value is:
Electromagnetic waves are classified into 7 different classes, depending on their wavelength/frequency, and they have different properties. From shortest to longest wavelength (and from highest to lowest frequency), they are:
Gamma rays
X rays
Visible light
Infrared radiation
Radio waves
Moreover, the visible light of the spectrum is further divided into different colors, according to how our eye perceive them; from shortest to longest wavelength:
Therefore, we have:
- The shortest wavelength of visible light is violet light, which has wavelength between 380 and 450 nm
- The longest wavelength of visible light is red light, which has wavelenght between 620 and 750 nm
- Infrared radiation is a type of radiation that is felt as heat by our body, however it cannot be seen because it falls outside the spectrum of visible light
- Ultraviolet radiation is also invisible to human eye; it has shorter wavelength than visible light and therefore it has more frequency (and more energy), therefore it can cause damage, especially to the eye
Learn more about electromagnetic waves: