The answer is - apes.
According to the evolutionary theory the hominids originate from the apes. The first transitional species appeared in the Eastern African plateaus that created the needed evolutionary pressure for certain species to start using their legs more and to become bipedal, and also to develop their mobility of their thumb that had a new role in the newly created environment. The transitional species (from what is known so far) is the Australopithecus, which later on gave rise to all other hominid species like Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and at the end Homo sapiens...
Central (traits).
The central traits, according to the cardinal traits of personality, developed by Gordon Cattell's approach, are the basic building blocks of most people's personality. The major terms you use to describe yourself, or others, are indeed your/their central traits of personality. In this case, our hypotetical cousin's central traits are being warm, happy, optimistic, funny and high achieving. The most general terms you find to describe someone usually are their central traits.
<em><u>The three types of communities are rural, urban, and suburban.</u></em>
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Advantages of society: Discipline - it comes forward when order needs to be in place, people are able to incorporate discipline as accountability for action. Formation or Order - compromise and healthy conversation and agreement form for each member to get what they want and experience what they need.