Adolescent children adopt unhealthy eating practices and a sedentary lifestyle
Adolescent and children prefer to eat junks foods and fast foods which are high in calories.These foods fill up the stomach,but lack the basic nutrients(CHO, protein) needed by man for survival and healthy living.
Unfortunately this set of individuals do not engage in physical activities but rather adopt sedentary lifestyle -spend hours watching T.V, playing computer games thus proper digestion of these foods does not occur.
The consequences of this are; increase the amount of cholesterol and triglyceride which leads to some heart diseases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.
Due to high fats contents of the junks and fast foods,however because of the sedentary lifestyle, this accumulate in the body thus most are obese.
The high fats and sodium contents of theses foods(fries and chips) also put pressure on the kidney leading to tendency for kidney disease.The sodium raise the blood pressure,leading to many heart complication.,
Colorectal and prostate cancer are other chronic diseases that may results from poor eating choices. Fries,high sugar in junks are the causes.
Lack of CHO and therefore glucose in diet put stress on pancreas to produce insulin,this may lead to type 2 diabetes.
The popular saying “health is wealth” gives a large meaning to our life as health is considered the most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well being of an individual.
A healthy environment facilities good health but it is the unhealthy environment due to over population, excessive industrialization, air and water pollution etc. that is threatening the life with much dreadful disease. In the contemporary India many people have been gripped by the clutch of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, although people of ancient India were said to be relatively healthy. At present people are suffering from various mental disorders also because they are racing blindly towards…show more content…
Physical fitness includes diet, exercise and sleep. These three basic things have their own importance in each individual’s life and everyone should be sensible with regard to these for a healthy life.
The heart itself needs blood and nutrients to work properly and gets its share of blood supply from coronary arteries. Coronary heart diseases are linked to coronary arteries. The diseases of coronary arteries are very dangerous; coronary artery diseases like atherosclerosis may cause heart attack.
ok so basically
you just have to use your head :P
within 48 hours..
While dependent on dosage and severity of the infection, patients can expect their symptoms to improve within 48 hours of taking their first dose of clindamycin.