If an individual Drosophila has two or more populations of cells comprising different genotypes from one single egg then it is termed as twin spots or mosaic.
There might be different reasons for mosaic to occur like
Nondisjunctioning of the chromosomes
Lag in anaphase
Mutations in a single cell
Mitotic recombination:
One of the major ways through which mosaic or twin spots arise is the mitotic recombination. It is also termed as somatic cross over. Twin spot or mosaic generally occurs if there is linking of heterozygous genes in repulsion. The recombination generally happens among the centromeres from the adjacent genes.
A common example of the mitotic recombination is the Bloom's syndrome. Bloom's syndrome is caused due to the mutation that occurs in the <em>blm</em> gene. As a result, there are defects in the BLM protein produced.
The capsid is the protein shell that surrounds the core of a virus where its nucleic acid is located. The capsid is made up small sub units called capsomeres.
A virus consists of a nucleic acid which may either be RNA or DNA and is found in varying quantities in the virus. It is this nucleic acid that is vital to the virus' survival that is housed in the capsid.
A drug that targets the capsid and damages it will cause the nucleic acid to leak out of the virus and into the surrounding while other fluids foreign to the virus will get in rendering the virus totally impaired, and due to this the virus cannot survive but will speedily die.
Chromosomal Mutation
The development and function of an organism is in large part controlled by genes. Mutations can lead to changes in the structure of an encoded protein or to a decrease or complete loss in its expression. Because a change in the DNA sequence affects all copies of the encoded protein, mutations can be particularly damaging to a cell or organism. In contrast, any alterations in the sequences of RNA or protein molecules that occur during their synthesis are less serious because many copies of each RNA and protein are synthesized.
Geneticists often distinguish between the genotype and phenotype of an organism. Strictly speaking, the entire set of genes carried by an individual is its genotype, whereas the function and physical appearance of an individual is referred to as its phenotype. However, the two terms commonly are used in a more restricted sense: genotype usually denotes whether an individual carries mutations in a single gene (or a small number of genes), and phenotype denotes the physical and functional consequences of that genotype.
E) Improve membrane fluidity
Cholesterol constitutes the basic structural element of the skeleton of cell membranes. Without their reinforcement, the membranes would become extremely fluid and lose their consistency. Cholesterol is found in the esterified membranes in its hydroxyl group (OH): with fatty acids, mainly oleic and linoleic, or as cholesterol sulfate. The cholesterol-sulfate polar group is disposed on one of the faces of the membrane that interacts with other polar groups in that area, while its bulky hydrophobic portion is embedded between the apolar parts of the lipids that form the membrane skeleton and They fulfill many other functions, among which the reduction in the permeability of protons and sodium ions, and their participation in signal transmission. Cholesterol is also essential in phagocytosis processes carried out by cells to capture many nutrients and, in general, for the function of cleaning up organic waste produced by macrophages.
The membranes must have a fluid structure so that the integrated proteins can move "horizontally" to interact with their ligands and with other proteins. The fluidity is given by unsaturated fat. With the excess of saturated fat, the membranes become rigid, but only with the necessary unsaturated fat the membranes are extremely fluid and very sensitive to temperature changes. Cholesterol stabilizes the structure of the membranes; In order for them to have the correct structure, they must have the correct proportions of saturated, unsaturated fats and cholesterol. The membranes produced in the laboratory without cholesterol are unstable to temperature changes, drastically modifying their fluidity against the small temperature changes that occur in the physiological range.
In addition to its functions in cell membranes, cholesterol is an important product that metabolism uses as a raw material to make other compounds:
*Bile salts
*Sex hormones
*Hormones of the adrenal cortex (corticosteroids)
*Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Mantle plumes that form hotspots are thought to be relatively stationary whereas the overlying tectonic plates typically are not. Thus, as a plate moves over the location of a plume eruption, it carries successively older volcanoes with it.