Axis - B
Rotation - E
Revolution - D
Latitude - A
Gravity - C
The axis is the line that a body spins on. The axis will line up with the north and south poles. For Earth, the axis is tilted, which is why seasons exist.
The definition of rotation is "the action of rotating around an axis or center." So, rotation is the spinning of a body on its axis. On Earth, one rotation is equal to one day.
Revolutions are when a body spins around another. For Earth, one revolution around the sun is one year
Latitudes are invisible lines that separate the world into degrees from North to South. They are also called parallels.
Gravity is the force that keeps things together. Large masses have gravity that attract other masses.
A contractile vacuole works just the same as the name suggests, in that it expands and contracts. The point of the contractile vacuole is to pump water out of the cell through a process called osmoregulation, the regulation of osmotic pressure. It occurs in freshwater protists, but mainly in the kingdom Protista as a whole.
Mutualism is where both animal help each other to benefit form each other. Win-Win . Commensalism is where nothing happen neither animal benefits from it .
Hormone levels generally decrease.
<em>The graph showed that hormone levels after ovulation generally decrease.</em>
The menstrual cycle of women generally have 3 phases which include:
- <em>The follicular phase</em>
- <em>The ovulatory phase</em>
- <em>The luteal phase</em>
The follicular phase is characterized by low levels of oestrogen and progesterone and a slightly high level of follicle stimulating hormone which ensures that follicles within the ovary develop.
The ovulatory phase is characterized by a surge in the luitenizing hormone (which stimulates the release of eggs) and follicle stimulating hormone with a decrease in the level of oestrogen and a gradual increase in the level of progesterone.
The luteal phase is characterized by a general decrease in the levels of luitenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone while oestrogen level may remain high.